The Hospice--domus
o The quantity and quality of the operators, formation and support

In the hospice works a great number of professional figures with various characteristics: doctors, with particular competence in the treatment of the pain, professional nurses, rehabilitation therapist, psychologists, social, technical, charitable, spiritual, auxiliary assistants, associate-charitable, logopedistic and, although they are not professional figures, the volunteers who have however one specific formation and a particular training in order to work with these sick people.
   All these persons work daily with the drama of the mortal disease with all the implications of this illness: a charitable activity therefore would not be to along supported without some specific attentions to the quality of the persons who operate in the hospice and to the adequate number of them for being able to share professional and human stress of the cure and aid relation.
   The first important aspect regards the difficult selection of the staff because this initiative is peculiarity and new development and there is no common experience to shared (on the contrary of many sanitary activities) in order to give the informed choice to the associate-charitable auxiliary and nurses. This difficulty has been overcome with a careful job "behind" with a continuous and aimed formation that gave reason of the difficulties and sense to the professional engagement in loss: this activity of formation and support must continue indefinitely in order to maintain high the quality of the assistance and the operator's life.
   The result of this attention are indicated in the low number of abandonments and a low number of demands for change of unit in the course of these years.
   It was said that for having a good attendance in every situation a beautiful structure is not sufficient, is necessary also a good relationship between operators and staff in order to here every request and to assure to every sick not only the necessary time for the hygienic therapies and cures but also the moral assistance: in the hospice every two beds there are a professional nurse and auxiliary or a charitable technical operator. That gives an acceptable amount of time at disposition for every sick for technical psychological assistance.
   To this purpose it is interesting to underline the importance of the constant presence of a psychologist who takes care of the staff in order to teach them the correct approach with sick and its relatives and in order to support the eventual difficulties that can be in the experience of everyone's operator: this presence is articulated in periodic meeting with the doctors the nurses and auxiliaries. The attention of the auxiliary is important because their presence, although not professionally qualify, can be valued on the human attitude in order to contribute to create a pleasant and "warm" atmosphere and involve them in full title in the cure team.
   A role, apparently irrelevant seen the characteristics of our sick, but important is presented by the rehabilitation therapist: it would seem strange to speak about rehabilitation in people life limiting illness, however their presence supports and gives hope to those who are not completely immobilized in the bed, to those who finds in the little steps, laboriously made with their help, a hope for the life. Naturally the programs and the work for these sick must accurately dosed in order to give them maximum autonomy compatible with their situation and in order not to expose them to useless risks. The activity of the rehabilitation therapist can be useful also in the control of some disturbing symptoms like the muscular contracture due to wrong position along maintained, the painful of the arm that often follows the mastectomy and the prevent of pathological fracture.

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