The Hospice--domus
o The assistance completion

T he organization of the hospice is articulated in two possibilities of cure, the domicile assistance and the ambulatory. The ambulatory assistance its simple and of relatively reduced importance, due to the gravity of the conditions of our sick that difficult can move freely. To the contrary the domicile assistance represents a precious opportunity in order to please patients and relatives that want to continue at home palliative cures, considering how often the sick are tired of the institutions hospitals to much seen in the active phase of the cure of pathology and the hope to find quiet between the domestic walls.
   T his activity is carried out by an appropriate team who work in tightenedcontact with the hospice and are formed from Head Nurse, two professional nurses and a sanitary assistant completed from a "borsista" doctor and one nurse financed from the "Lega Italiana per la lotta ai tumori" . The team meet every week with doctors of the hospice in order to revalue and update the data and the conditions of the sick in assistance. Also this service is completely free for the patients because is supported by the National Health Service through a convention with the ADI (Domicile assistance Integrated).
   The domicile's activity , like the one in hospice, is enriched from the competent presence, beyond that generous, of the volunteers of VAD that give to the sick and relatives who wish, their psychological support with great dedication and continuity, often also after the dead.
   The intention of the hospice is to develop the domicile assistance, in order to adapt better the offer of performances to the needs and the expectations of the sick and their relatives, offer that has in this year monopolized the demands, creating an opposite tendency to that present in the of palliative cures, that could only offer the assistance at home.

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